Friday, March 24, 2023

Viernes el 24 de marzo

 Hola hola Mariposas!

This morning we had our morning meeting as usual. In Math we learned about a new shape called "La Prisma Rectangular". We wrote about it and then we made our own out of paper! After that, we went to visit our Grade 3 Buddies who played games with us. After nutrition break we went to visit our Grade 4 Buddies who read to us. We got back to the class and learned about The Bear who represents Courage and then we drew our own bears.

We had a fantastic day!


Thursday, March 23, 2023

Jueves el 23 de marzo

 Hola hola Mariposas!

Today Srta Houde was back! We had our usual morning meeting and then we did our Spanish literacy centres. In Math we learned about a new shape called :la piramide. It has 8 sides, 5 corners, and 5 caras. In gym, we went outside and had free play time on the playground. After that, we continued working on our piramides that we built out of paper.

After lunch, we read to ourselves and then Srta Houde read us a book called "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" and we did some writing about our favorite part. We went outside for recess and then finished our writing then we did a run through for the concert tonight. Now we are writing this blog.

We had a good day!


REMINDER: There is school tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Parent Update - Well-Being

 Hello Principals/Administrative Assistants: 


On behalf of the CBE Well-Being Team, please share an important message with your school communities. Please do so, prior to Spring Break, through your regular messaging or separately, in whatever way is most effective and timely. Please also consider sharing with your staff – this tends to be a great learning opportunity for all who are able to attend. These sessions have demonstrated a direct increase in call volume to AHS medical supports for our students and are proving an effective way to advance the well-being of our students. 


Our next session in the five-part series aimed at supporting families and caregivers in growing their understanding of child and youth well-being will be on Tuesday April 4, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. The session focuses onUnderstanding Anxiety.


This event is offered virtually at no-cost to participants. Everyone is welcome to participate, whether or not their child attends a CBE school.  Families and caregivers are key partners in a student’s education. We also understand the shared role in supporting student well-being and how critically linked well-being is to student achievement.


Please send out the message below to your school community. The feedback from the first three sessions has been very positive and resulted in a noticeable increase in our families reaching out for support/resources to our partner, Alberta Health Services.


Thank you for your support in passing this along to your parents.


Thursday, March 16, 2023

Jueves el 16 de marzo

 Hola hola Mariposas!

This morning we had our regular morning meeting. In Spanish we did our literacy centers and reviewed the vocabulary for La Familia. In Math, we made our very own cones! We went outside for gym and then Srta. Houde read us some more or Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

After lunch, we read to ourselves and then we did our literacy centers. We had a rehearsal of the Spring Concert for next week and then we made our hats! Srta. houde gave us some free time at the end of the day and now we are writing this blog.

We had a amazing day!


Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Martes el 14 de marzo

 Hola hola Mariposas!

This morning we did NOT have our usual morning meeting because we had to go to the gym for a music/concert rehearsal. Then we had a snack before we did a Spanish test about Las partes del cuerpo. We went outside for gym and played "Tanto Tanto como". In math we learned about el cono and we wrote about its attributes in our 3D libritos.

After lunch we read to ourselves and then we had our literacy centres. We went outside for recess and then back to the gym for the finale rehearsal. We came back to class and played sight word games. Our sight words for this week are: been, call, who, am, it's, now. Now we are writing this blog.

We had a busy day!

REMINDERS: Tomorrow is library and fun lunch!


Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Martes el 7 de marzo

 Hola hola Mariposas!

This morning we had our morning meeting as usual. In Spanish we finished our muñecos de invierno for the Celebration of Learning. In Math we discussed attributes of 2D shapes and then we filled out a table. In gym we continued with curling and played as two teams: Team Rojo and Team Azul. Then we played Ratones y Gatos.

After lunch we read to ourselves and then we played the circle sight word game all together. We worked on work and then we went outside for recess. After recess, a guest teacher came to our class and we read a story and completed some opinion writing. We finished the day with sight word games and reading.

WE had an incredible day!


REMINDER: Tomorrow is our day at the Book Fair - bring cash if you would like to buy something! 

Monday, March 6, 2023

Lunes el 6 de marzo

 Hola hola Mariposas!

This morning we had our morning meeting as per usual and we got new jobs for the week! In Spanish we worked on our muñeco de invierno writing. In Math, we started learning about 3D shapes and practiced sorting them according to their attributes. In gym, we did a curling challenge with Srta. Carcamo's class where we threw the rocks and tried to have them land on the white line. In English we got our new sight words which are: could, people, my, than, first, water.

After lunch we read to ourselves and then we worked on our writer's workshop writing journals. We went outside for recess and then we went to music. After music we worked on work and now we are writing this blog.

We had not our best day - but we will work on it.


Friday, March 3, 2023

Weekly Update!

 Please see the separate email sent regarding our Celebration of Learning & Book Fair on March 9 & 10 and how to book for it.   A reminder that Thursday, March 9 is a full day of school and that there is no school for all students on March 10.


We are continuing our Food Drive for Kindness Month.  All donations are gratefully accepted and can be dropped off at the donation boxes at either the front or the back door.


Volunteer opportunities are available for each class.  You must have a valid CBE volunteer clearance at the time you sign up and we ask that you sign up for two opportunities per class to allow for as many people as possible to participate.  If you would like to volunteer more, please check with the teacher.    More details can be found in the separate email that was sent out.


Our Spring Concert will be held on March 22 & 23 at 6:30pm.  You can see which classes perform when as well as the costume preparation in when in the separate emails that were sent out.   You can also check the class blogs for information. Srta. Primak is also looking for helping with prop creation.  You can sign up here if you can help out.  If you have any questions regarding the concert, please email Srta. Primak.

Viernes el 3 de marzo

 Hola hola Mariposas!

This morning we had our morning meeting as usual. We worked very hard today, trying to finish up all of our work to show our parents at the Celebration of Learning next week. We had our Grade 3 Buddies and then after nutrition break we continued working on work. We went to music and then we worked on work some more! 

We had a super day!

Adios y Feliz fin de semana!

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Miercoles el 2 de marzo

 Hola hola Mariposas!

This morning we had our morning meeting as per usual. In Spanish we worked on our muñeco writing. In Math, we worked on our Math centres again! In gym, we did some more curling - trying to send la piedra as far down the gym as possible. After that, we got new table groups and came up with new names: Chaquetas, Bufandas, Gorros, Botas, and Mitones.

After lunch we worked on our writing journals and then we went outside for recess. When we came back to class, we worked very hard on finishing all of our writing projects.

We had an awesome day!


Lunes el 26 de junio - last week of school!

 Hola hola Mariposas! This morning we had our morning meetings as per usual. We got new classroom jobs for the very last time in Grade 1. Th...